In a fit of shameless self promotion I am going to blog about the BEST Police Uniform and Police Equipment store in Utah!
Of course we are talking about Cop's Closet. Cop's Closet is owned by a full time Utah police officer and is operated by his wife. Cop's Closet is located in Ogden, Utah and proudly serves law enforcement agencies Weber, Box Elder, and Davis counties. Cop's Closet is frequently visited by members of the law enforcement community from Idaho and Wyoming also! For instance, recently Cop's Closet travelled to the Fort Hall police department in Idaho and outfitted their whole department!

Here is what the owner of Cop's Closet has to say...
"When I was attending the Police Academy I was shocked to see how high some uniform stores marked up their items. I was also blown away by their poor customer service. I couldn't believe it! We work too hard (and for relatively little money) to be treated poorly. My wife and I wanted to do something about it."
"The idea behind Cop's Closet is to bring you some dignity and keep things affordable. We have heard again and again, horror stories about these stores who rip off police officers. Officers literally come in every day and thank us for opening the store. They tell us how they have been treated poorly at other stores. We treat you like you are family, because you are!"
It's true... Jaime who is the real brains of the operation, runs the day to day in the store. She knows almost all the officers by name. Go ahead TEST her... it's almost sick how well she knows everyone. Can other stores say that?
"Customers have started SWEARING when they see our prices! Not because our prices were high...not at all. Customers have become livid when they see what they have been paying all these years compared to what we sell them for. It feels good to help out other cops."

Cop's Closet is a full line dealer for 5.11 Tactical. They stock the biggest in store selection in Utah. Cop's Closet also offers police uniforms made by Blauer, Perfection and 5.11 Tactical. Check out their prices on police duty gear and holsters. Cop's Closet has great selections from Blackhawk, Safariland, Bianchi, Gould and Goodrich and DutyMan. Cop's Closet always has great deals on Rocky, 5.11 Tactical and Original Swat footwear.
Cop's Closet is a full line dealer for 5.11 Tactical. They stock the biggest in store selection in Utah. Cop's Closet also offers police uniforms made by Blauer, Perfection and 5.11 Tactical. Check out their prices on police duty gear and holsters. Cop's Closet has great selections from Blackhawk, Safariland, Bianchi, Gould and Goodrich and DutyMan. Cop's Closet always has great deals on Rocky, 5.11 Tactical and Original Swat footwear.
In conclusion, if you want to be treated with respect and keep some of that uniform allowance in your bank account for a change, then go visit Cop's Closet.
If all of this doesn't convince you then mention this blog and get 10% off your entire purchase!
Cop's Closet
2734 S. 1900 W. Ste E
Ogden, UT 84401
(Next to Impact Guns)
(801) 866-0644 local
(877) COPS 10-8 toll free
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Sun CLOSED.
K well, we have only one and it is pitiful. Overpriced and rude. Can you send catalog link.