Last night was pretty lame...

My shift started out with my Sgt telling me he thought I found dope/made arrests at the end of my shift because I am trying to pad my hours...

Um... If I had some magical ability to find a dope arrest 10 minutes before I go home I would do it at the beginning of my shift... beyond that I would do it about 10 times on the shift.. I would be some sort of HERO if I could do that...
I also pointed out to my Sergeant that although I have stayed late on several shifts I only put in the normal ten hours for my shift. To make it clear I shave off my hours instead of collecting overtime. I really was not happy being called a thief... after laying it out to my Sergeant he told me not to worry about it and did a 180... now complimenting me on my infallible integrity.

Enough about that... the rest of the shift was lame... at the end I helped the day shift officer chase some horses down in the rain... it a way it was kind of surreal... the police chasing four horses in the rain...trying to get them out of traffic... kind of weird That is a real cool thing about police work.. you never know what you are going to get..(oh no I sounded just like freaking Forrest Gump just then!!)

Oh yeah...while we were chasing the horses...some guy rode by on his bike.. you know not just a bike... but some high dollar 10 Speed racing bike along with the whole spandex/grape smuggling outfit... well the roads were pretty slick and he was busy watching the horses and took a header off his bike... he wasn't hurt and it was FREAKING HILARIOUS!!! HAHAHA that was worth coming into work...just to see that!!

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