Ok... I am famous for this....finding some sort of cluster near the end of my shift. I don't do it on purpose... it just so happens I stay 10-8 right up until I HAVE to leave... this is especially true with Saturday nights.
Currently I am working 2pm-Midnight Saturdays... this means I have to go home right when things get fun! It is tough for me to do... sometimes my Sgt. even has to chase me out of there... if my wife would let me I would work for free.... Being a cop is a kick butt job... it can really be a lot of fun. I know if I won the lottery I would still come out and be a cop (well maybe just Saturday nights).
So there I was... about 10 minutes until my shift ends... I drive up onto the side of the mountain (did I ever mention the city I work in butts right up against the hills?) to a spot that intel has told us that a lot of kids will go to for alcohol and c/s parties. I have never found anyone there myself...but it worth checking on.
I black out my lights and put on a pair of PVS-7's Night Optic Device (night vision goggles) and drive up the rocky trail in my Crown Vic. The goggles are just like the kind I used to use in the Army. As I drove over a rise in the trail I could see an SUV ahead with it's tail lights on. I parked and watched for a bit by putting the goggles up to my binoculars (a trick I also learned in the Army).

The SUV drove a bit and stopped, a man got out of the driver's seat and a female got out of the passenger seat... I could see a light source being held in the females mouth since it was larger than a cigarette and had a constant output I figured it was a small flashlight..
The two got a stack of blankets out and rearranged the back seat and left two back doors open... I gave them some time to do whatever it was they were going to do... but not too long because I had already let dispatch know what I was doing...and plus it was getting to be "go home time".
I didn't see anymore movement and waled up to the SUV while still wearing my night vision. As I approached the female was in the back seat laying on top of the male. Both still had their clothing on... which in this case was a blessing.
I introduced myself and the woman and man jumped up and out of the car. I explained that the area they were in was completely legal and they were doing nothing wrong. I also told them how we have problems with people coming to this particular area to do illegal things. While I was talking to them I could smell the strong odor of alcohol.
The woman acted really strange... she was very thin but still did not strike me as a tweaker. She was very nervous. I asked both of them if they were over 21 (they looked it) and they said yes. The woman admitted that she had been drinking... I reminded her that it was not illegal to drink..only to drink and drive.. the man said he would submit to a PBT (portable breath test). The woman just seemed WAY to nervous for this type of encounter.
I asked the woman if there were any open containers in the vehicle... she said yes... I thanked her for her honesty and explained at the most it would be a ticket. She started babbling about just taking her to jail and getting it over with... I tried to explain to her that it was just a ticket... she did not calm down...

At this point I figured she knew something I did not and radioed for 10-78 (backup)... this made her even more upset. The man tries to calm her down and it is not working... Let me describe him.. he has a buzz cut with large patches of hair missing... later when I checked his driver's license I could see he used to sport some sort of paige style haircut...which to be honest makes him look like some sort of pedophile.
Anyway the woman then confesses she has two warrants for her arrest.. which I am guessing this and her alcohol accounts for her behavior. I ask her what the warrants were for... she said marijuana possession... Ok she has already admitted she has an open container hidden somewhere inside the car... what are the odds she admits to having drugs too?...
So I ask her.. do you have any marijuana in your car? "Why yes" she tells me... "in the center console"... I don't know why this surprised me...

Soon my Sgt. showed up and we searched the car. Th male had a marijuana pipe in his pocket and we found loose marijuana as well as a bag of it and rolling papers in the center console. Laying on top of the marijuana were several condoms.
While I was running the two and starting the citations the woman kept babbling on in her own drunk way. She was sure to notify us that the male was her brother-in-law and she was on her period so she was not going to have sex with him (ew! sharing violation!). She told us that her husband does not trust her so she is teaching him a lesson.... (Um because cheating on your spouse is a great way to help them learn trust?)
It turns out that this lady did not have any warrants... I confiscated the marijuana and paraphernalia, cited both of them and released them. I actually ended up citing them both for possession, paraphernalia and open container...

These people made me want to go wash my hands when I cleared the call... You know this is actually not the first in-law cheaters I discovered on the mountain. I walked up on a car before in a very similar situation in around the same area (only the had no clothes on) .... I wonder what it is about that area that draws cheating family members?
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