I am currently working a graveyard shift, which means I am supposed to get off work a bit after 6am. This never really happens because often I end up shooting the breeze when I am giving pass-on info to the next officer. I bet I normally get home an hour later than I could (of course I am off the clock).

This particular night was SLOOOOOWWW.... nothing happened... not a single report... not even a citation. Pretty boring.
On my way home the section of freeway I drive is currently under construction.... there are cones lining the side of the freeway (it's NOT safe to do a traffic stop in this area... um let's say I know from first-hand experience... don't ask). The area is also well marked as 55mph zone instead of the regular 65.

There I was minding my own business...when some BMW comes flying up behind me. (btw here is your stupid joke of the day! --- What's the difference between a Porcupine and a BMW?? Give up? The Porcupine has the pricks on the OUTSIDE!!! HAHAHA)

Anyway...He looks like he was doing 90mph but I am not sure because I did not have my radar on. He gets alongside me and slams on his brakes to match my speed. He had no front plate and I wanted to run him.

I started to slow and move over so I could get behind him... he slowed too..to about 45mph on the freeway. Finally he gave up and let me behind him...a temp tag... (great) You see my idea was to let him go (especially since I didn't have him locked on radar)... I would just run him and as long as the R.O. (registered owner) didn't have any warrants or anything I would just ignore him.... The temp tag put a kink in that plan... but hey! police work is not about issuing tickets... it's about correcting behavior... right? As long an green Beamer stays put I won't have to sto... Ah man...

The BMW took off at about 80mph... *SIGH* I followed behind the car.. pacing it... It took an exit and I had a safe place to stop it. When I approached the driver I introduced myself and asked him if he had some sort of emergency he was going to.

The driver spoke in very rapid speech... almost to fast to understand... He said he had to hurry his passenger home so she could relieve the babysitter. The driver was twitching and bouncing all over the place... As he rambled on I told dispatch to send me another officer and get a tow on stand by for when I go 10-82 (arrest) for a state tax impound.
I interrupted the tweaking, babbling driver and asked him when he last used Meth. He denied it and his passenger put her head in her hands and began to shake it back and forth... I told the driver that even his passenger knows he is lying... I asked him if he smoked, snorted or injected the meth... The driver admitted that he "tasted" it last night... and had been up all night.

While waiting for back up I radioed dispatch and requested a Drug Recognition Expert. The tweaking driver continued to ramble on about how he has a suspended license and a warrant. A trooper arrived and I pulled out the driver and placed him under arrest. An interesting thing was that he had an ankle monitor on... he said he was on paper (on parole)... he siad it is to keep him from leaving the State.... I thought that was strange... anyone ever encounter this before?
While transporting him back to my office for a DRE evaluation... the driver made SEVERAL spontaneous statements... More exact he would not shut up..... In his meth induced rambling and rapid speech (he sounded a lot like that guy from the Micro Machine commercials) he continued to admit guilt over and over.

Of course the DRE agreed he was under the influence of meth... I charged him with only a metabolite... mostly for his cooperation.... After booking him in jail I headed home... in desperate need of sleep... A little bit happy that I got a DUI off the road... a lotta bit tired..

I learned a lesson today... When going home at the end of a shift drive with your blinders on... or at least learn to pawn it off on the Troopers.

This particular night was SLOOOOOWWW.... nothing happened... not a single report... not even a citation. Pretty boring.
On my way home the section of freeway I drive is currently under construction.... there are cones lining the side of the freeway (it's NOT safe to do a traffic stop in this area... um let's say I know from first-hand experience... don't ask). The area is also well marked as 55mph zone instead of the regular 65.

There I was minding my own business...when some BMW comes flying up behind me. (btw here is your stupid joke of the day! --- What's the difference between a Porcupine and a BMW?? Give up? The Porcupine has the pricks on the OUTSIDE!!! HAHAHA)

Anyway...He looks like he was doing 90mph but I am not sure because I did not have my radar on. He gets alongside me and slams on his brakes to match my speed. He had no front plate and I wanted to run him.

I started to slow and move over so I could get behind him... he slowed too..to about 45mph on the freeway. Finally he gave up and let me behind him...a temp tag... (great) You see my idea was to let him go (especially since I didn't have him locked on radar)... I would just run him and as long as the R.O. (registered owner) didn't have any warrants or anything I would just ignore him.... The temp tag put a kink in that plan... but hey! police work is not about issuing tickets... it's about correcting behavior... right? As long an green Beamer stays put I won't have to sto... Ah man...

The BMW took off at about 80mph... *SIGH* I followed behind the car.. pacing it... It took an exit and I had a safe place to stop it. When I approached the driver I introduced myself and asked him if he had some sort of emergency he was going to.

The driver spoke in very rapid speech... almost to fast to understand... He said he had to hurry his passenger home so she could relieve the babysitter. The driver was twitching and bouncing all over the place... As he rambled on I told dispatch to send me another officer and get a tow on stand by for when I go 10-82 (arrest) for a state tax impound.
I interrupted the tweaking, babbling driver and asked him when he last used Meth. He denied it and his passenger put her head in her hands and began to shake it back and forth... I told the driver that even his passenger knows he is lying... I asked him if he smoked, snorted or injected the meth... The driver admitted that he "tasted" it last night... and had been up all night.

While waiting for back up I radioed dispatch and requested a Drug Recognition Expert. The tweaking driver continued to ramble on about how he has a suspended license and a warrant. A trooper arrived and I pulled out the driver and placed him under arrest. An interesting thing was that he had an ankle monitor on... he said he was on paper (on parole)... he siad it is to keep him from leaving the State.... I thought that was strange... anyone ever encounter this before?

While transporting him back to my office for a DRE evaluation... the driver made SEVERAL spontaneous statements... More exact he would not shut up..... In his meth induced rambling and rapid speech (he sounded a lot like that guy from the Micro Machine commercials) he continued to admit guilt over and over.

Of course the DRE agreed he was under the influence of meth... I charged him with only a metabolite... mostly for his cooperation.... After booking him in jail I headed home... in desperate need of sleep... A little bit happy that I got a DUI off the road... a lotta bit tired..

I learned a lesson today... When going home at the end of a shift drive with your blinders on... or at least learn to pawn it off on the Troopers.

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