The other day I got called to an 10-85 Echo (Dead Body) The lady was elderly and had died after getting up in the middle of the night.

The other day I got called to an 10-85 Echo (Dead Body) The lady was elderly and had died after getting up in the middle of the night.
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
6:27 AM
Labels: dead body, humor, rea life story, scared police
Ok... I am almost afraid to post this... but since it made it on BluTube.. well I guess I can come out of the closet..
This is a series of videos called "Retardid Policeman"... It is irreverant, politically incorrect, and offensive to say the least... I peed my pants when I saw it... but I guess it is an aquired taste because my wife is mad at me whenever I talk about it...
The real reason I bring it up is because she ran into some cops from another agency the other day and they kept quoting one of the episodes to her and each other.... "Let's go TAZY CRAZY!!"
HAHA it's not just me! So at the very real risk of offending a lot of the poeple here I am going to add a couple links of the more offensive/funny episodes...
Retaded and Racist ---> (sorry LAPD)
TAZY CRAZY!-----> (now more popular to say than DEE DEE DEE!!! I am waiting to get it as a ring tone!)
WARNING: PLEASE direct your hate mail to the people who made these films...NOT ME. I am only mentioning it because it seems to be a mini-phenomenon here in my area... that being said... LET"S GET TAZY CRAZY!!!
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
10:20 AM
Labels: humor, racist police, retarded policeman, Retardid PoliceMan, special officer, tazy crazy, Traffic Stop, viral video
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
9:40 AM
Labels: bike crash, horses, loose livestock, police work, sgt. angry
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
9:11 AM
Labels: cheating wife, drunk, marijuana bust, stoned, stupid criminals
Yesterday I had a traffic stop that really pissed me off.
I stopped a guy for making an illegal left turn. There are a couple places in my city where private business drives exit onto public roads and you cannot make a left turn. There are concrete curbs which force you to turn left and there are also "No Left Turn" signs. There is a no left turn sign next to the stop sign and another across the street. So all together there are three devices designed to keep you from making a left turn.
I was driving by and saw a pick up truck getting ready to make an illegal left turn. As I passed I pulled over to the side of the road and watched him in my rear view mirror. I was hoping the fact that he saw me and can now see me stopped waiting to pounce... well I hope he would just get the idea and turn right. No such luck.
As he headed towards me he suddenly pulled into a business parking lot. I flipped around and pulled in behind him, activating my forward emergency lights. He quickly started to unload his kids while I radioed into dispatch my stop. location and his license plate.
His kids ran inside the business and I explained why I had stopped him... he admitted he made the turn however he did not see any of the signs (yeah right) and told me he turns left there all the time. btw he points out several times his "Beverly Hills" address on his California driver's license...
Everything was fine until I told him to hang tight while I get his citation ready... This guy came UNGLUED!
This guy was pissed to say the least. He proceeds to tear into me... telling me that I am pathetic and that HE should NOT get a ticket because (A) His wife is a city council woman in the neighboring city! and (B) He is a multi-millionaire!
He points out how sorry I will be if I cite him... and I could not cite him anyway because he is now on private property (KING'S X!!)... He made several thinly veiled threats towards my career if I cite him...
After letting him rant a bit... I asked him for clarity... "So you are saying you do not deserve a citation because you wife is on the city council and you are a multi-millionaire?" I counted his lame reasons on my fingers to punctuate his stupidity...
Apparently this did not slow him down.. his eyes locked on the black microphone and wire clipped to the front of my shirt... He begins to tell me how stupid he is not... he is quick to point out he knows I am recording him... He tells me that he is a powerful person and demands my badge number.... I tell him that is fine and ask him to sit in his car and wait for me...
Now this is where I really start to worry... He tells me he is leaving and starts to walk towards the building... I tell him he is being detained and he cannot leave.. he of course counters with the eloquent argument of "OH NO I'M NOT"....
Now all I can think of is that poor Trooper in Vernal who tased the guy while he was walking away... although all of us understand why he did it...I just saw this getting ugly really fast... I think a combination of calling for help and telling him to stay put got him to comply... but he finally did it...he got me mad. click on this link to watch some stupid guy get the ugly end of Tazy Crazy!
I am almost shaking when back up arrived... I explained what happened as I start to work on my citation.. While I worked on the ticket the driver stood at his car and quickly took pictures of myself and my cover officer.... I guess this is the "evidence" to prove his case... I don't care... let him take pictures, because of course I am recording the whole thing on video.
There were other violations I could have cited him for but I am not that petty... plus I just wanted this stop to be done... I was just hoping he would sign it so I don't have anymore grief... He did and I got out of there...
I have met a lot of people in my day...even some who are powerful influential people with millions of dollars... not a one ever had to remind me how powerful and rich they were... this guy was full of crap I am sure... but today he really got under my skin...
I think I prefer my millionaires on late night cable t.v. instead of on a traffic stop.
Tommy Vu has many "boofoh girls..and so can you!"
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
4:17 AM
Labels: circle dot, jerk, millionaire, ticket, Traffic Stop, yelling
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
1:08 PM
Labels: 5.11 Tactical Gear, cop store, Cop's Closet, police equipment, police gear, police owned business, police Uniforms
For those of you who do not know I am a vetran of the United States Army. I was an Infantryman and served 13 months in Iraq during OIF 2. I was with the 25th ID (L) in the 1-14th Infantry Regiment. BETTER RECOGNIZE!!
Anyway.... I saw this on the internet today and I flipped... I don't know... to be honest I would have worn it as a gunner on the Humvee (I wore EVERYTHING they gave me expecially the nut protector /cod piece that hangs at the bottom)... I kinda wanted to know if SWAT teams would use it for entries?
I watched the video and these two guys actually shoot themselves in the FACE!! I mean it is awesome they stand behind their product... but this is only a step away from a Darwin award. Any thoughts? Is this even for real?
Of the video is not working click on the below link....
Be Safe.
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
5:44 PM
Labels: ballistic armor, crazy video, face, face armor, get shot
Nothing exciting happened this week... no matter how hard I tried.
I stopped a woman and cited her for driving on suspension for the third time... I promised her last time that I would take her to jail next time I stop her.... well the only thing that changed is her route home...
The last two cites were for the week before... each time I stop her is VERY late at night... The first time I stopped her she had a spoon used for IV drug use in the car... the second time I stopped her the passenger had a bunch of warrants....
I don't know... I just didn't feel good about taking her to jail... she is just too nice... I guess when I stop her it's like seeing an old friend now.
I also stopped a car coming from a home known for C/S (controlled substance) and burglaries... she sure had quite a collection of mini torches, gloves, bolt cutters and misc items...
However although I am sure the driver was a crack head and a burglar... I cannot prove it. The best I can do is take really good notes and pass on info to the dicks.. (detectives).
For your enjoyment here is a fun video I found on BluTube. For those of you who don't know what BluTube is you should go check it out... great stuff.. both for humor and training.
Funny OC Training Video.
For whatever reason Blogger doesn't want to play these videos... if there are any problems just click on this link to watch it on BluTube
Be Safe.
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
4:52 PM
Labels: Boring Week, Burglary Suspect, Funny Police Videos, Suspended License, Traffic Stop
Although being true to modern form my notice came via e-mail and not in a large wooden crate marked "Frag-eee-laay...hmmm must be Italian"
Several months ago I drew a design for a police related product and submitted it to the "5.11 Tactical Product Development Meeting Contest 2008" (whew! that's a mouthful!)... I have had this idea for a product I wanted for myself for a long time.
After doing patent research I realized that since the product uses existing technologies I could never patent my idea.... I contacted a few over-seas manufacturers for prices on prototypes and manufacturing... then I thought about how much money I would spend on packaging and money and time needed for marketing (including sitting at trade shows like the Shot Show)....
It just didn't make economical sense to invest all that time and money in an idea (that although I REALLY wanted and believed in) that could be easily (and legally) snatched up by another manufacturer. I decided to submit my idea in 5.11 Tactical's contest because I had a chance to get paid something... and eventually get my idea turned into a real product.
I decided that even if I did not win... I would still pay someone to produce one for me.
My idea?... well I can't reveal that now... but I can tell you what I won! Here are the contest details...
"Enter to win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of the 5.11 Tactical® Product Development Team and attend a Product Development Meeting (PDM) at the 5.11 Lodge in Montana, plus a day of world-class trout fishing on the famous Big Horn River."
"WHAT YOU WIN:A three-day all expense paid trip to the 5.11 Lodge, located near the Bighorn Battlefield in Montana. Your trip consists of air travel to and from the PDM, a day of product development sessions and a day of guided fishing on the Bighorn River, home of North America’s premiere trout-fishing. Great food and luxury lodging is also included. "
"The goal of this PDM is to develop a commercially viable product that would become part of the 5.11 Tactical Series product assortment. Based on the outcome of this meeting 5.11 Tactical will develop product prototypes.* Individuals will receive a $511 prize for each product concept that makes it into our catalog. Attendees will also receive an assortment of current 5.11 Tactical series gear in addition to samples of products created during this PDM."
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
6:43 AM
Labels: 5.11, 5.11 Tactical, 5.11 Tactical PDM. Product Development, Contest, Montana Fishing Trip, Winner
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
7:35 PM
Labels: DUI, graveyard, metabolite, meth, off duty incident, tweaker
Recently the Utah POST Council met and broke previous records by decertifying the most police officers ever. I have had the opportunity to meet and even work with a few officers who lost their jobs.
I think most are justified... but I have the impression that here in Utah you would lose your POST certification over things that other states would not take action on.
The biggest career killers are still:
Can I get some opinions? To be honest I can see the need to terminate someone for having an intra-office affair... but do they really need to be decertified and lose their entire career?
Posted by
Utah Cop Blog
1:49 PM
Labels: alcohol, Decertification, sex, Utah Post Council